Thursday, September 17, 2015



I'm mainly studying Japan because I watch too much anime and read too much manga.
The most difficult thing in my schedule right now is I have no idea what I'm taking other than Japanese.

Our phrase is our title.


  1. I’m kotomi hamano.I’m 18 years old now. I’m a ritsumeikan university student. I’m majoring international business administration. I live in Hyogo prefecture. This prefecture is located near Osaka. Hyogo is famous for black beans, akashiyaki, crabs, and onions. There are four people in my family. I have a dream to go to all over the world.
    I went to Vancouver in Canada in this August. I went to university there from Monday to Friday every week. And also, I experienced homestay for the first time. It was so fun. I learned Canadian lifestyle through this homestay. I went to famous places every other day. There are lots of nature, for example, mountain, sea, and river so on. People are all kind. This one month program is so nice and precious experience for me. Before I went to Vancouver, I was fear of talking with foreign people even if they are my university’s teachers, but after I went there, I changed. I become to enjoy talking with foreign people. I think I want to go to foreign countries more.


  2. hi. try harder.
